13 thoughts on “Hillary Clinton

  1. I’m tired of the country being divided by gender, race, status, etc. I don’t care for candidates being pushed because they will be the first such and such. I care about the character and values of a candidate, and how much they love this country, and I am not impressed with the character of this candidate. It disgusts me that she could call someone a friend, yet abandon him in Benghazi, and apparently lose no sleep over it.

    Hillary Clinton has nothing in common with me, and doesn’t understand my struggles any better than the male candidates do, and I won’t throw away my vote because she happens to be female. She’s shown no respect or consideration for those women claiming to be sexually harassed and/or assaulted by her husband, and that tells me all I need to know about her stance on women’s rights.

  2. I’m not saying I trust Hillary Clinton, I’m also not saying that she will be a good president. But she is the best out of the current lot. The republican side is composed primarily of buffoons and charlatans. Bernie Sanders, while he means well, simply does not have the capacity or skill to lead America’s economy AND forge good relations with the rest of the world. Clinton may be slimy, but she has the panache, guts and intellect to stop America from begin ravaged by Russia and the middle east.

  3. I just can not understand why new polls show over half of the American population find Hillary Clinton to be untrustworthy – how then are we electing her? How is she continuing to get the African-American vote, when her and her husband are two of the greatest culprits behind private prisons, and Bill’s infamous crime bill, which have systematically kept the African American communities at a disadvantage. Personally, I can not bring myself to support her even if she does win the democratic nomination, because she is the antithesis of everything I believe needs to happen in this country. We have to get big money and corporations out of our political system, and she is the poster child for taking money from these giants who are deciding the way our country is ran instead of us.

    This is truly such an important issue in our country right now (as we see with the Panama papers, and with #DemocracySpring.

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