President Barack Obama (2009 – 2017)

16 thoughts on “President Barack Obama (2009 – 2017)

  1. As an independent I am not fond of Obama. I have never been fond of Obama – I feel like he is something a shyster in that he will parrot back whatever seems to be in vogue. If throwing black people under the bus means middle America likes him better – awesome. If forgetting about LGBT causes makes him a bit more palatable – fantastic. If repeating back bias, unscientific rhetoric is what it takes to get ahead – so be it.

    And that quite frankly disgusts me. Does that mean I think his scoring on this page is fair? No. It does however mean I can’t rate him more than a 3. He has handled some things really well, and he has also done a godawful job at other things. In many ways he was the lesser evil when it came to election time, but he might have done better if the American Voting population was so idiotic and deliberately uninformed.

    There is no point in voting for a President who has no support from the Legislative branch – and all the old crooks, shysters, and morons were left in place or replaced by worst jokers. I could just about swear we need a better module in place to teach kids about how government works and how they can fix it a little better with only a bit more effort.

    But yeah he could have been a better president, but I don’t know – he just doesn’t seem to get basic things like not bowing to the Republicans on economic matters and not bowing to the Democrats on social matters. He needed to have stood for something,because he ended up falling for a lot of malarkey. But it could have been worst – McCain/Palin and Romney/Ryan would have quite frankly killed this country… so yeah.

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