President Donald Trump (2017 – 2021)

21 thoughts on “President Donald Trump (2017 – 2021)

  1. We have had do-nothing establishment losers shoved down our throats for how many years now. We need to take a different route because both parties are selling out our security and future of our children and grandchildren! Trump has to be on the right side as all the fake news media and rich establishment unpatriotic dillrods are trying to destroy him. These idiot collage age tweeks that are brainwashed by the socialist liberal democrat MOOCHERS who cannot even give the right answer who is the current V.P ,never worked a day in their lives disrupt our speech, cuss at our children, boycott our work, push for anywhere,anytime any age abortions, while they say we have a war on women, clean air, water and free speech,tell us we need to change! Time to try a different route because doubleing the debt, foodstamps,welfare jumps 3 fold, less people working then 8 years ago, shipping terrorists here daily is not going to work very long!

  2. As much as I try to be tolerant of others, even those who do wrong, I can not for the life of me find anything to like about this man. Many of his supporters voice that he “speaks his mind.” When speaking your mind discriminates against others, that shouldn’t be something to be admired. Yet he has the support of millions. When asked questions, he completely avoids giving an answer. It’s just “We’re going to make America great again”, “We are going to bring back the American dream” and nonsense like that. That doesn’t give any actual solutions to issues. Then comes the argument of him being rich. Well yeah, he used the ‘small loan of a million dollars’ his father gave him wisely. But then, 4 of his businesses had to file bankruptcy. No way a man like this should ever hold a place of authority as important as president.

  3. I really don’t have anything constructive or helpful to say in regards to Mr. Trump. I’m increasingly alarmed at how somebody that clearly does not have any real majority support from either party or even among independents can gain so much steam in an election. First past the post voting in the republican primaries combined with multiple contenders without any clear majority backing certainly complicated things in the beginning. There haven’t been any actual policy positions communicated by Trump or his people either. At least not any thing real that can be taken seriously. Just a lot of sound bites and bigotry.

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